The natural views from the Villas at Great House are amazing! And now with the 2nd floors of the Phase 1 Ridgetop Residences being completed, the added elevation provides enhanced views of the surrounding waters that are simply breathtaking. And this time next year, you will be able to experience these views firsthand with the opening of the Villas at Great House.

During the month of August, much progress was made on the construction of the three Ridgetop Residences. These buildings are cited to the immediate north of the Great House and are staggered and spaced in a manner to maximize privacy and view exposures. To better acquaint you with the Phase 1 Ridgetop Residences, we have created a visual representation that references the location of Ridgetop Residence 6, 5 and 4 in relation to the Great House.

Below you will also find progress photos of each of these three residences, along with several other general construction photos. Be sure to also head over to our Facebook or Twitterpage and let us know what you think. We would love to hear from you! For more information relating to the Ridgetop Residence plans, click here.

Here are this month’s photo re-cap:


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